Oh no - Sarah Palin resigned from her post as Governor of Alaska because so many wimp leftists were falsely attacking her and costing the people she loves of her state millions of dollars. Trouble for the state? A future bid for the White House? Who knows and its her business anyway...but the attacks from the liberal left mug-wumps have begun anew delving into any angle which might make it sound that she has the slightest chance at a national office and then debunking those chances. It's all part of the usual attack plan of the dems. If anyone of Conservative bent has the slightest chance of coming out on top and being right about it - then destroy them immediately with innuendo and or outright attacks - thereby planting seeds in the minds of Conservatives about their chance of winning in 2010 and emboldening the leftist ilk watching with orgasmic delight as another person of values drifts into the sunset.
Who are these new Leftists anyway? BLUF - They're the British colonialship we threw off our backs in the late 1700s and again after a semi redo in 1812. How? Making fun of tea parties for one. Tea parties were the essence of what we did as Americans. Proclaiming we were free and no one was going to tell us what to do or how to do it then tax us if we didn't like it. Yea - we were the minority - as Conservatives are becoming now due to the handouts of government and the baited, wide open mouths of those who will take anything for nothing; or not, if it involved working for it. Kind of like those helpless birdies in my first blog. Now these leftist neo-colonialist knobs are running the government and again trying to tell us how to live, how much to have, and if we don't like it they'll tax us in punishment for it. Does this sound at all familiar?
I don't know her future - but it will be a good one - and good for America.
Here's another picture. This is the gravestone of George Rifenbary. He was the father of my grandmother on my father's side, Zida Kircher. He at one time was the superintendent of the Ransom Home, a place outside Scranton that took in poor or homeless people. Zida and Edward Kircher were married at the home in September 1906.