13 April 2020

Nightmares - just wondering

I fall Asleep. 

There's a song called, "It's a Mad Mad World."  One line in it says: "...and the dreams in which I'm dyin' are the best I ever had."

Edvard Munch's "The Scream"
Someone (thing) seems to be pursuing you and 'it' has everything at its disposal.  Try to leave and you are met at every door or gate with another entity who has some other arsenal at its disposal.  A door turns into some sort of gateway to another trap and you are sent back to where you began and try to start over again and again...you finally make it through one of the sharpened obstacles when you're met by yet another heart-rending, mind-numbing hindrance that sets you back again and again - at one point you are told that the demanding, buzzing object in front of you that seems intent on causing you unending pain is just one of the thousands of similar insects that can be sent your way to cause you more and a heightened incessant wound that seems to cause even greater loss of will - you try to kill it but it stays just out of reach - there are others around - people - things following you - watching you - ensuring that every thought is pain, every turn is pain - they chase your every step ensuring you never take the right turn - you never think the right thought - you NEVER get what you want - never freedom...

...you're looking for that breakout point...it has to be ahead...one doorway leads to a long tunnel where the sides are breathing...it's not the wind - you know the breeze when you feel it - it's 'breath' from the passageway...really - it pulls you along this never-ending tunnel.

An endless set of doors and gateways - avenues of escape all over the place but every gate it's own pain...then there appears to be a group of people who are familiar but seem stuck in the same confusion...they seemed to have gotten a little farther along the way and you've made it to them...

     no sleep now...every thought in your head now wishes you could sleep but if you do you return to that terror...awake - asleep - horror - awake - escape - watching for something to walk around the corner in your room - asleep - awake...back again...horror

     now the voice is leading me on but again in the wrong direction...

At the end - those entities surround me and seem to carry a lightened countenance about them...

And then I wake up.