Not sure where to begin on this one. There's cousins Chrissy, Kevin, and her friend Helen. Helen does all the quilt work while Chrissy sits on the balcony or lounges by the pool eating coconut bon-bons and reading romance novels from the 1930s. Kevin eats enough spaghetti for 12 grown men after his 4 hour dialysis visit where they must have used the Jolly Green Giants blood and a shot of Bob Hope because he turns into the hungriest comedian on earth - then wonders why Chrissy can't pick him up on time. Meanwhile, Aunt Jean and Uncle Jim have us over for dinner on Tuesday evening and Jean makes enough baked spaghetti - about 10 pounds of ziti type pasta to feed a platoon of Infantrymen - and some regular spaghetti with sauce and meatballs which Kevin dives in to like Bugs Bunny who just lost his favorite carrot down the rabbit hole with Elmer Fudd close behind with the 12 gauge. Where does the conversation go? Family? Catching up? Who died this month? NO! The poor waitress at the Plantation Pancake House on Highway 17...More to follow...
But first - Dana!!!! Awesome on 24. She is the best mole ever...you have got to watch this hour below...
FOX on Demand - 24

Back to reality - I'm not one to complain about waitresses...apparently Chrissy and Kevin are. If those two don't get their pancakes and eggs on time then baby you better run for the hills...We decide to do a pancake breakfast at the seemingly ubiquitous pancake houses that line Highway 17 in Myrtle Beach. I can see why that is because most of the vacationers stay up all night drinking so when 10 a.m. rolls around they get the munchers and the cure is pancakes. Sandra and I sit down...on time - Chrissy and Kevin are late...a young waitress in distress comes around and takes our orders. I get the pancakes and scrambled eggs cause I like to mix the eggs and dietetic syrup together - those are my pancakes on the right...Everyone else gets something similar except of course Kevin. The waitress takes our orders and starts to walk away when it suddenly hits the ever present of wit Kevin that the waitress took all of our orders except his. I guess the shine on his head threw her off cause she just passed right over him big time. He has to be different of course and orders a waffle with blueberry syrup and whipped cream - like he's some kind of aristocrat or something. A few minutes pass and the waitress comes and says our food is coming. Okay - we're not at McDonalds - this isn't fast food.

A few minutes later my buttermilks come out with hot scrambled eggs and dietetic syrup and I'm doing just fine - that's MY waiter on the left. Time starts to pass though and there are no pancakes for the cousins...Sandy gets a plate of pancakes and over medium eggs which she defaults to rather than wait for the scrambled she ordered. Kevins blueberry coated waffle comes out but with no whipped cream...there is an immediate crisis. How in the world can he manage that waffle with blueberry syrup without the whipped cream he ordered? Chrissy suddenly reverts to the state house inmate thought pattern and gives the waitress the evil eye because dammit she ordered eggs with her pancakes and only got pancakes - or something like that - whatever - she didn't get what she ordered...Kevin is on the other side of the table picking at his waffle because he is STILL!!!! waiting for his whipped cream while Sandra eats away at her medium eggs and pancakes...all of a sudden a new waitress comes out and says she is now in charge of our table because apparently the younger waitress couldn't handle the stress of four people from Pennsylvania and the girl I fell in love with from El Paso...

There is hope though - Kevin lets her know about his disdain with not receiving his 'Kool Whip'? AND MAN SHE RUNS BACK TO THAT KITCHEN AND POPS BACK OUT WITH A CAN OF THE STUFF THAT SHE COVERS WHAT'S LEFT OF THE WAFFLE KEVIN HAS YET TO FINISH.
In the end - being the kind of guy I am - I leave a $5.00 tip for the poor girl and I think Kevin and Chrissy left 12 cents on the tab...
so much for Myrtle Beach...
wow ya think at least a dollar would have worked
ReplyDeleteyou funny....