12 May 2009

Blogging in General - Hats off to Rosie O

Who follows these things anyway? If Rosie O'Donnell has a butt load of people following her daily rant and repeated delirious stabs at poetry, then she gets one million people following her, does it mean she is right about something or really just a pain in the "A" who knows how to strike a nerve in people to get them boiling because no matter what you say she won't change because it's how she makes her money - then continue to make money on it anyway while living the high and not very eco friendly life in the Big Apple with all the squirrels on her window sill? Now we have Oprah blogging aboard her 48 million dollar private jet and whooping it up at Duke telling the rest of the world the Gore-willian mantra doo-doo of, "do as I say, not as I DO!"

...and I'm worried about leaving the light off when I go to the bathroom so I can save energy.
Which by the way, if you were in Iraq or Afghanistan you'd know you don't need a light on to go to the bathroom. What, can't find the hole, just follow the effervescent scent of burning diesel fuel. C'mon! You also know that bathroom is not a designated place or space, it's in the head...it's wherever you may find yourself on a cold, desert, moonless night having to go potty in the middle of nowhere (literally) then while you're "pants down and mid-turd," your real good pals drive up in a HUMMV with a loaded 50 cal. and ask "What are you doing over there? Ha - Ha" kind of mucked up stupid question to the obvious...
but I love those guys.

Hey - did I like wearing a chemical suit over 37 days in a row? No...was I glad when I had the excuse to take it off for a few minutes to go potty...YES!!! The little things in life do matter...

But back to Rosie and her ilk...

Sorta like the female comedian - whose name escapes me now - wait - I burped, its Roseanne Barr , who is so popular (NOT!!!) - who desecrated the Country and the national Anthem by even singing it in first place knowing her disdain for the nation, and then grabbing her crotch at the end like we're all supposed to think this is some kind of Jimmy Hendrix National Anthem on the steel guitar moment. What is up wit dat? She really cracked me up...Point being - she has a blog too...probably a good 1/2 million people read it every day...Bet she never lived barefoot on a porch...she probably pays someone to write it anyway.

Anyway, here's another picture. The guy in front with the saucy hat and hands in his pockets is Leon, Senior. He's the father of the three (or four) boys on the porch in PA. Zida, and Edward are there too...Ed's dad was born in Fulda, Germany and somehow got over here on a boat at age 12 in 1852 just in time to fight in the American Civil War...Nuff said...

1 comment:

  1. Funny thing about that picture on the porch, I remember that rocking chair!
