Oh well...even though I predicted that Adam Lambert would win IDOL I knew it was over when the Gokey was voted off. Right then you had to know that the Gokey votes would go to the other guy. But he is very talented. Don't worry America...Adam has a huge future and probably has agents lined up right now trying to get him out of the IDOL Contract.
I could always sing pretty well for some reason. Had a knack for it and had a fairly good range and pitch. I assume it's because of all the yelling we brothers did back and forth and the cool, crisp PA air that I think is the only reason I am now 53 years old and have had few ailments thus far. Although I played racquetball today for 1 1/2 hours and got hit three times by some blazing shots that leave the funniest marks. It first turns red, then a yellowish ring forms on the outside of the red and then it continues to sting for a few minutes. THEN...your skin tightens around the area and you feel that for about a day. Who hit me? The Chief of Police for Columbia, SC. A former Marine who dislikes Chaplains I guess.
So back to singing. I was sitting in Mr. VanHorn's 4th grade music class at Falls-Overfield Elementary of all places where all you did was sing and if you sang real loud your grades also went up. So I was Mr. America as we sang, the Star Spangled Banner, American the Beautiful, all that. He was a trip. Then we had him for the "tonette" class which to this day I think is only some plastic thing used to pass the time by Soldiers in the Big One, WWII. Our dreams were shattered though when this small, wiry and pretty good looking lady came when I was in 5th grade and she was determined to make us learn music the "right" way. Man...no more singing and grades are going to plummet. But she was good at what she did and alot of us started to come around to playing band instruments pretty well thank you. I thik that's where I may have learned my tone definition. But why am I not a professional? Because I do not practice. And practice is what matters in music. I am either too lazy or getting toward the end of my days and wanting to do things I should have done when alot younger.
Heck - I even dropped out of Mensa because I didn't want to pay the dues. Besides, a guy who can do puzzles all day is not my idea of a really bright guy. How do those guys on Jeopardy do it anyway? They study endless lists and factoids until they're blue in the face then hope to make an audition. I'm not jealous - they're not lazy.

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