How nuts is this? I decide that I want the little pups to stay with me rather than be in a kennel for 10 days so what do I do? I rent an RV!!! An RV. I've never driven one...only been in a couple...not sure how I transpired into thinking that my Marriott level wife would handle an RV Trip of over 1500 miles...But what a trip it was. We started out from Columbia, SC to Charlotte then proceeded quite uneventfully onto I81 north and travelled through God's Country (Virginia) also known as the Shenandoah Valley and the Bread Basket of the Confederacy. Most beautiful country ever - and no wonder Lee decided to stay with his "lovely Virginia." However, if you visit most Civil War Museums in the South, the South never "really" lost the war, circumstances beyond their control prevented it. Oh well.
So it was good to see alot of the relatives up North. We don't get to see them much but it was a treat. Barring any flack from sister SueAnn, the Old Forge Pizza at Salerno's was out of this world but we also found that traditional great pan, square pizza at Amerettas in Chinchilla and Calarruzos at the top of State Street in Clarks Summit. The stuff just melts in your mouth and I swear if anyone opens an Old Forge Pizza place in Columbia they will not know what to do with the business. More to follow...but this is a picture of me and my spawn of the devil Pekinese angel Savannah at the RV Park in Wythesville, VA.
More to follow...
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